August Lego Rumour Roundup

Posté sur 22 Août 2013 11:41

After the flurry of news about set releases due out in the next wave it seems a good time to cover some of the other themes. We previously did a rumour roundup post back in February with what turned out to be the 10240 X-Wing and the 10236 Ewok Village.


We will start with the most interesting, but with the least information, we expect there to be a "MINI Cooper" set released later this year! Lego already have a licensing arrangement with BMW (who manufacture the MINI Coopers these days), unfortunately they used that license to create a rather poor 40200. Hopefully they put in a bit more effort this time. It is possible this could simply be a polybag but it's unlikely they would waste an opportunity to make the MINI Cooper on a smaller set. Lego also have a track record of making large iconic vehicles with the Camper Van and VW Beetle.


The next two sets are Architecture sets, also due out later this year and early next year. First up is a model of the Marina Bay Sands complex. Interestingly earlier this year they won a 'Vote & Inspire Us' poll for the architecture series as mentioned on their Facebook page. Secondly, due for release in the first quarter of 2014, we are very pleased to see there will be an Eiffel tower set. This certainly won't be on the scale of the previous set but I'm sure it will still be a must buy for many people.

Hopefully that give you some more sets to look forward to later this year.